The Thyssen Affair – Mozelle Richardson


Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Mountain West Publishing; December 21, 2009
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1616582448
ISBN-13: 978-1616582449
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Canyon “Cane” Eliot – CIA Agent
Peter Landis – Cane’s Handler/Supervisor
The Skull of Major Heinrich Friedrich August von Stober
Anya Vasilievna Petrovna – KGB Agent
Magan Ben-Yanai – Mossad Agent


The time is the 1980s. In Oklahoma, a skull is dug up from a Nazi POW cemetary. The Russsians manage to steal the skull from those who uncovered it. However, the Russians get a fake. The CIA has the original. Canyon Eliot is pulled out of retirement to do one more mission. Find out why the Russian’s wanted this skull. The idea is, if the Russians want it, then we do too. Cane’s adventures continually cross paths with the sexy Russian KGB Agent Anya and the Mossad Agent Magan Ben-Yanai. Cane’s adventure takes him from his ranch in Colorado, to Oklahoma to Germany, Italy and Russia. Along the way some people will die, there will be avalanches, gun battles and car chases. Each location will put another piece of the puzzle into who was Major Von Stober and what is so important about his skull.


This was a fun story. The agents seemed real. They had personal problems, and personal motivations for their actions. There were constant cliffhangers in which you wondered not if, but how Cane would get out of it. The style of this spy thriller would along the lines of John LeCarre more so than Ian Fleming. There were no pens that shot death rays, or cars that went underwater. Everything stuck to what the technologies were in the 1980s.

Like a lot of novels, it starts a little slow in the beginning, but when it gets to Germany, it picks up. I liked the characters in this book. Each had their own motivation for doing what they did, and for wanting the secrets of the skull. Even Magan who was probably the least developed character seemd to be realistic and I could understand and empathize with him.

If you’re into good, adventurous spy novels without all the fancy gadgets, then pick this up. I think you’d enjoy it. I certainly did, and I wouldn’t mind reading about these characters further.

See our interview with Mrs. Richardson here

About The Author:

Mozelle Groner Richardson was born in Texas. She and her husband W. T. (Dub) raised their four children in Oklahoma city. She now calls Santa Fe home and her favorite activitity is traveling the by-ways of New Mexico with Friends. At 90 years old, in 2004, she made the Guinness Book of World Records as the Old Person to ever graduate college. She received her degree in Journalism from the University of Oklahoma. She held that record until 2007.

*Disclaimer* A special thanks goes out to Rebecca at The Cadence Group fo a review copy of this book.

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2 Responses to “The Thyssen Affair – Mozelle Richardson”

  1. Rhodes Review - Review Section Says:

    […] to Rebecca at The Cadence Group for arranging the interview. Read our review of The Thyssen Affair here . 0 people like this post. Like  VN:F [1.7.0_948]please wait…Rating: 0.0/10 (0 votes […]

  2. Man of la Book Says:

    Sounds like a good book, I’m a sucker for books that deal with WWII.
