Review: Service – Marcus Luttrell

Hardcover: 352 pages
Little, Brown and Company; First Edition/First Printing edition (May 8, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0316185361
ISBN-13: 978-0316185363
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A look inside a Seal’s life in the city of Ramaldi during the Iraq War.


In Service, Marcus Luttrell documented how he’d been the lone survivor in a battle during the Iraq War. In Service, we find Mr. Luttrell recovering from his wounds and going back into the war. That is the major theme of this book, what it is that drives men to serve and lay down their lives for their country.

I found the book to be quite interesting in getting a very in depth look at seal teams. I found myself riveted to it as if it were an action novel at some points. I also found myself moved emotionally at other points.

While the book was very well written, and you can tell Mr. Luttrell is a true patriotic American, there was one thing that disturbed me about the book. Mr. Luttrell kept seeming to emphasize God as if it were God’s will that we be in war. I think a faith in a higher power is one thing, but quite another when you are dealing with a situation of war, particularly when that war is against another religious group.

Overall however, I found the book to be a very enjoyable memoir. I’m sure the more conservative readers would love it, those who lean a little left would probably enjoy some of it. It’s something definitely geared towards the older teen and adult readers due to language and subject matter.

If you have an interest in our troops and what they deal with pick up service. I think you might like it.

About the Author

Marcus Luttrell became a combat-trained Navy SEAL in 2002 and served in many dangerous Special Operations assignments around the world.

He is the author of the New York Times bestseller Lone Survivor, and is a popular corporate and organizational speaker.

He lives near Huntsville, Texas.

James D. Hornfischer is the author of Ship of Ghosts and The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors, which won the Samuel Eliot Morison Award and was a Main Selection of the Book-of-the-Month Club. Hornfischer’s third book, Neptune’s Inferno, will be published by Bantam in January 2011. He lives in Austin, Texas.

*Disclaimer* A special thanks goes out to Anna at Hachette Book GroupsĀ for a review copy of this book. It in no way influenced my review. You can discuss it here or join my facebook page and discuss it there.
