Review: The Arrivals – Meg Mitchell Moore


Hardcover: 336 pages
Publisher: Reagan Arthur Books (May 25, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0316097713
ISBN-13: 978-0316097710
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Ginny and William thought they were finally enjoying their golden years. All their children had moved out and gone on with their lives.

Their daughter Lillian had a career in PR until the birth of Olivia. Now she’s just given birth to Phillip. When life at home gets to be too rough for her, she runs back to the safety of her parents.

Stephen works as a freelance book editor. His wife Jane has a big paying job with a mortgage broker it seems. Jane is pregnant. When she gives birth, their plan is for Stephen to be a stay at home father. They head to see his parents, and due to circumstance, end up staying there longer then they planned.

The youngest sister Rachel is having problems with her boyfriend Marcus, who s unwilling to commit. Rachel works in casting for movies and tv shows. Will events in her life force her to follow her siblings back home?

I really liked the characters that Ms. Moore created in this story. Prior to the writing of this, I had a friend voicing issues with similar problems that Ginny and William went through.

The character of Ginny came across at times as a controlling woman. There were times I didn’t like her too much, and other times I could understand her better. William seemed to be the glue that holds things together. The character of Lillian, I thought, came acroas as a spoiled rotten brat. Stephen was insecure, and married to a woman, who in essence was a little dominating, like his mother. There was also the conflict between Ginny and Jane, probably because they were so similar. Rachel seems a bit jealous, and wants what her siblings have.

These characters I think anyone can relate to, they could be your family, and probably are. The overall story is about family. You might hate them sometimes, but in the end you know you can count on them. No one can get on your nerves more than those you love the most, and Ms. Moore does an excellent job in bringing that thought to life within the pages of this book.

There was some stronger situations so I’d recommend this for older teens or adults. Pick it up, I think you’ll like the story.

About the Author:

Meg Mitchell Moore worked for several years as a journalist. Her articles have been published in a wide variety of business and consumer magazines. She received a master’s degree in English literature from New York University. She lives in Massachusetts with her husband and their three children. The Arrivals is her first novel

Be sure and enter our giveaway to win one of 2 copies. The giveaway is located here. Also be sure and drop in and see our interview with Ms. Moore here and ask some questions if you want. She’s dropping by and may answer some.

*Disclaimer* A special thanks goes out to Anna at Hachette Book Group for a review copy of this book. It in no way influenced my review. You can discuss the book here or join my facebook page and discuss it there.

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2 Responses to “Review: The Arrivals – Meg Mitchell Moore”

  1. Rhodes Review - Review Section Says:

    […] our review here. 0 people like this post. Like  VN:F [1.7.0_948]please wait…Rating: 0.0/10 (0 votes […]

  2. Meg Moore Says:

    Thanks for reading and reviewing THE ARRIVALS for your site!
