Review: In Flames – Richard Hilary Weber

Print Length: 167 pages
Publisher: Alibi (February 3, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-
Order e-book here:


Dan Shedrick – American Architect living and working in San Inigo.
Elaine Ferguson – A powerful woman, runs a local bar and hotel.


An American working for an American firm on a Carribean Island is drawn into a plot of murder, betrayal, and conspiracies to overthrow the local government.


At first I expected this to be a murder mystery. While there is a murder that occurs, it isn’t really a major focus of the story. In the beginning section of the novel, I was reminded quite a bit of Casablanca, with Elaine playing the part of Rick. There were a lot of similarities, a military threat, love, betrayal, and then the tropical setting.

Then the story makes a shift, and becomes a story of survival. Dan must survive people wanting him dead, for whatever reason, he needs to find out. This is where the action picks up in the story.

Then finally we get drawn back into the murder in Act 3.

Overall, the characters were well developed. They felt like real people, the situations seemed realistic, and the plot moved at a good pace. It was written from a 1st Person perspective, with the POV character being Dan. It was an enjoyable story, and I would check out more from this author. Due to language, violence, and strong situations, I’d recommend it for older teens and adults.

About the Author

Richard Hilary Weber, a native of Brooklyn and a Columbia University graduate, has taught at the universities of Stockholm and Copenhagen, and has been a scriptwriter for French and Swedish filmmakers. He lives in Provence, France.

*Disclaimer* A special thanks goes out to TLC Book Tours at Lisa for a review copy of this book. It in no way influenced my review. You can discuss it here or join my facebook page and discuss it there.

2 Responses to “Review: In Flames – Richard Hilary Weber”

  1. Richard Hilary Weber, author of In Flames, on tour February 2015 | TLC Book Tours Says:

    […] Tuesday, February 24th: Rhodes Review […]

  2. Heather J @ TLC Book Tours Says:

    I’m glad you enjoyed this book! Thanks for being a part of the tour.
